Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Beloved says, "The broken ones are My darlings." So, Be like the sun, have nothing but warmth and light...

Abul-Khayr's poetry

If you do not give up the crowds you won't find your way to Oneness. If you do not drop your self you won't find your true worth. If you do not offer all you have to the Beloved, you will live this life free of that sweet pain which makes it worth living. ~ If you are seeking closeness to the Beloved, love everyone. Whether in their presence or absence, see only their good. If you want to be as clear and refreshing as the breath of the morning breeze, like the sun, have nothing but warmth and light for everyone.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Beautiful metaphorical expressions on having good thoughts

“Almighty God says in a Divine hadith: “I am according to how my servants think of Me.” (Bukhari)…The blessed and intelligent person went on his way, suffered no distress. Due to his fine morals, he thought of good things and imagined good things. Everything was friendly and familiar to him. He did not suffer any difficulty and hardship for he knew the order and followed it. He found it easy. He went on his way freely and in peace and in protection. Then he came across a garden where he observes the lovely flowers and fruits as he acted according to the rule, “look on the good side of everything”. The sensible person is he who acts according to the rule: “Take what is pleasant and clear, and leave what is distressing and turbid”, and goes on his way with tranquillity of heart….Selected phrases from The Words, Risale i Nur.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hold on to God, He is sufficient for us

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. And if anyone puts his trust in God, sufficient is (God) for him. For God will surely accomplish His purpose. Verily for all things has God appointed a due proportion (Q65:3)

Life is a journey where we learn through experience, learning to hold on and learning to let go; but no matter what happens in the running race of life, we must learn to hold on to God as He is our Hope, He is our Strength and most of all He is our True Love….

Thursday, July 16, 2015

God's Touch of Mercy...

 Nothing is difficult for God. His command is only, when He wills a thing to be, He says to it "Be!" and it is, (Q36:82)

 Life is beautiful when we Trust that God is in control of everything...

There are times when the going gets tough, never stop, just keep moving with strong Trust in God.

God is in control of everything. We have nothing but His Mercy, we want nothing but His pleasure, we seek nothing but His love.

Intimacy time with Risale i Nur
So, keep moving with efforts and striving to seek His redha in everything that we do  as we hope nothing but His Touch of Mercy... 

Trust in God, He is always with us in running the race of life...He is our Strength, our Hope, our Love.

Nurture a strong hope of God's Mercy...Hope may induce striving and work...and a person will not despair of Divine Mercy- Said Nursi

Sunday, July 12, 2015

True Success is from Allah

Allah is our Only Protector and the Only One Who will reward us the supreme success:
“There (on the Day of Resurrection) the (only) protection comes from Allâh the True One.  He is the Best to reward and the Best to give success.”  (Q 18:44).
Trust in Allah as  "... Allâh will not fail in His promise." (Q 13:31).  

Video recording at Rustempasa Madrasa, Istanbul, Turkey
Look at the beautiful side of things,
Allah’s help is actually coming in many beautiful ways..Masha Allah
Keep moving, keep striving with great efforts with Faith, Trust and Belief in God

Nurture a strong hope of God's Mercy...Hope may induce striving and work...and a person will not despair of Divine Mercy- Bediuzzaman
Said Nursi

Thank you Allah for Your endless blessings

Saturday, July 11, 2015

A road filled with the light of belief….

 “O you who believe! Fear, Allâh, and believe in His Messenger, and He will bestow on you a double portion of His Mercy. He will provide for you a Light by which you shall walk (straight in your path), and He will forgive you (your past); for Allâh is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Q57:28)

The smiling white roses waving through the summer breeze invited me again to the land  where the Ottoman empire once reigned. The door of Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture is always opened and I entered to continue my discovery on my research journey through fragments of research work and Alhamdulillah I have finally reached the final route of my research journey. Thanks to brother Hakan Gulerce for once again making my trip very fruitful and rewarding with meetings, focus group discussion and conference presentation but the most memorable moments are the time spend with Frinci Abi and Sukran Abla. Frinci Abi initiated the program with our American guests. In his sharing moments, he spoke from his heart of his living experience with Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Words can’t express his enthusiasm which inspires anyone who listens to him. Then Sukran Abla proceeds with her talk on Nursi’s thoughts. Watching them weaving the moments with knowledge and food for thought energizes us. Age is not a barrier to seek, to share, to meet and to show passion. Moments become more cherish able when after their two hours talk, we had personal interview on my research work. These beautiful souls have inspired me on my research journey which is not a bed of roses but its road filled with the light of belief…. May Allah grant us the light.....
Traveling in search of knowledge makes me miss and always remember all my darling children especially my little darling princess…suddenly I got a message from her which made me smile in her warm hugs though our heart contact…Here’s what she wrote to me:
In Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture
"Saw her there, faraway from us, divided by the lands and oceans, striving on things that could really make her happy. While the worst eyesight in the world is seeing her tears, the most tranquilising eyesight in this life is seeing her smile.
Take care, ummi. We miss you.
May Allah count your jihad.
Hi there Türkiye, Ramazan Mubarëk olsun.
with love from Malaysia."

May Allah grant us true success...
Thank you Allah for Your Endless Blessings.

A beautiful analogy

In Istanbul, Turkey
 While walking along a path, my eyes caught this ancient library building and I remembered a beautiful analogy by beloved Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). “This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the disbeliever” (Sahih Muslim).
And a beautiful mystical quote by Rabi'ah al-Adawiyya, 'Your hope in my heart is the rarest treasure, Your Name on my tongue is the sweetest word, My choicest hours, Are the hours I spend with You -- O Allah, I can't live in this world, Without remembering You--How can I endure the next world, Without seeing Your face? I am a stranger in Your country And lonely among Your worshipers: This is the substance of my complaint'…My Greatest Need is You..O Allah

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Tranquillity of the heart

In the midst of our hard times, we tend to lose our grip and fall, but Allah is Most Merciful, He sends beautiful souls to remind us of Him and we try to rise and walk again….

When I fall, I rise, then I make mistakes and hurt myself, I move on as life is a learning process, I try again with hope in Allah, I am weak, but I am thankful as He is my strength..
Just created this montage after I got an inspiring message of advice from a beautiful in heart friend of my mine which has actually revived me on my research journey….Alhamdulillah..